10 December 2010


I adore music but generally don't seek out new artists on my own. Most new tunes are a suggestion from my boyfriend, Jordan. Having an impeccable ear for various genres, I trust that he won't lead me astray.

Along with numerous other sites, Jordan reads Pitchfork on a regular basis keeping up with all the new artists and albums. For those of you who aren't familiar, Pitchfork is a site that reviews and rates new albums. They are generally pretty on target with their comments, but every once in a while they'll give a great album a low rating or may not review it at all. This is such a shame for all of the amazing artists that get overlooked and sometimes fall between the cracks.

Being an opinionated and witty writer, Jordan decided he would give credit to these neglected artists. Pitchfork Ain't Right is "a weblog intended to act as a positive foil to Pitchfork's sometimes dickish dismissiveness." Each reveiw on Pitchfork Ain't Right is cleverly written and accompanied by a few mp3's and a music video from the album. So, for those of you like me who don't want to go searching for something new for your music collection, go check out Pitchfork Ain't Right and grab a few new albums.


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